The Office of the Independent Special Interlocutor (OSI) respects your privacy and complies with the federal Privacy Act and Access to Information Act. As the custodian of your information, data associated with OSI services are protected by Canada’s robust privacy laws. Data collected will be used to inform the OSI Interim and Final Reports; however, data will not be aggregated and will not identify or be linked to individuals. Through the National Gathering registration process, we are collecting basic contact information, such as name, telephone, email address, and name and location of community organization you are working with to keep communities informed of the OSI activities. This information is submitted through event registrations and other information gathering processes such as evaluation forms at the National Gatherings.
The OSI utilizes a web activity analysis tool to monitor traffic on our website. The information helps us evaluate the effectiveness of our website and to make improvements to its structure and content in order to better address the needs of those who visit the website.